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Sophie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The world is so snobbish!!!! It's Unfair!!!

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Receive the test result, pay the deposit, and it's time to prepare for applying the student loan.Hope it's still in time.

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  • Jun 10 Sun 2012 03:11
  • Next

I received the phone call and text message from UK yesterday, while I intended to sign the agreement.

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well~ Bradford is good, but Strathclyde is better.

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  • Jun 05 Tue 2012 02:01
  • diary

I am so grateful that I was once an instrument player in a senior high brass band. If I did not join the that club, I would never try to listen classical music and love it so much . 

Sophie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Johnny Walker  Keep Walking.

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  • May 21 Mon 2012 02:24
  • DUMB

Life is a struggle.

Sophie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    I hate Sunday, and really tired of finding a quite place for studying.Eventhough Taipei has high population density, it doesn't mean to be so overwhelming everywhere. The libraries in Neihu and Nangang was full of students prepared for the mid-term tests. Starbucks, another option, well, also crowed, people stand in line for buying coffee, seats were occupied by those silly lovers, teenagers hung out with friends here for studying? I think making friends is a better explanation! And not even talked about the Eslite book store next to Starbucks !! I was just like a stupid guy who carried three heavy books, traveled in an over-crowed city, doing nothing meaningful then go home!!! Idiot!!!
    Well, I bumped into Miss Lin this afternoon, who could not find a place to study as well. Maybe it's a kind of things which can give me some comforts . However, Miss Lin went to the movie theater for watching Hunger Games at last. And I , just went home and posted this silly blog .....

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Well, Spring is really a comfortable season, and it's also suitable for people to have a cup of tea in a cozy afternoon, listening to those musics sung by Sandy Lam or Na Ying. The link I show below is one of songs collected in Na-Ying's newest ablum.

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    I'm going crazy~~!!! These two textbooks really drive me mad!!! 
    First of all, providing the wrong answers. How would part two and part three questions have the same answers?? The answers are ridiculous!!Secondly, there are just 40 questions in the official listening test not 43. What's more, the pictures provided for the map completion and diagram labeling are also awful and make no sense!! I even have to spend more time to figure out the given questions while I practicing the listening tests!! I've never met this kind of problem before! I think that I really buy the wrong books. However, I really do not prefer those textbook in simplify Chinese even though they are much cheaper. I like the books which are published in my country, but why should I confront this dilemma??!! 

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 set up your goal: R/W/L/S→7/7/6.5/6.5

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    Such a nice weather today! It's a pity to have a test and an election. I did not care about the result of the president election, the only thing I would concern is people can accept the final result peacefully which will make the election meaningful. However, there are too many people and vehicles on the road, therefore I got into the traffic jam today, it's made me really unhappy.....I 'm the typical person who lack patience....

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As title , 
Yes! I pre-ordered the newest album of Mayday, Second Round, and got it at the releasing day.

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  • Dec 02 Fri 2011 02:21
  • Hate

I hate that !!

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It's so cheerful for receiving conditional offers from UK.

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  • Nov 29 Tue 2011 21:51
  • .....

1.To avoid grammar mistakes  when you're speaking , you can record your speaking and listen it ,

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We listen to the radio when we're working .

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 I found that it's a little difficult to me to speak in chinese after I finished my english assignment .

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It's a slogan which is promoted by Eliste bookstore,
I saw it today , on my way home.

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