The world is so snobbish!!!! It's Unfair!!!

If you did not claim this clause before, you should not ask me to show those documents!! Moreover, if I have a powerful support from my family, I wouldn't apply for this program!

There is no doubt that the main purpose of this program is to help young people to accomplish their life goal, than why do you set up so many restricts?
This act makes this program become meaningless!!!

I want to say it again, it is so snobbish , and unfair!!!

OK!! Here becomes to the end of the complaints!!

Not surprisingly, I still meet some new problems at second step. I'm still not sure that whether I can solve it.....
It's extremely annoying as they did not announce it on the website, therefore I thought I could meet all the requirements!!!!

But what can I do? Nothing!!
Just accept it and find another solution!
It's life , isn't it?

Actually, there are some friends understand what I'm thinking in my deep mind!
They give me so many comforts

"Look at my eyes, just trust yourself !!  You can do it!!"
"Never forget what you have said before, you still learned something eventhough you are failed at last "
" I've seen a film recently, there was a senior high girl left her lovely home, and she left a video to tell her parents that she loved them, but the world is so wide, she is eager to know the world more"
"Whenever I saw this film , I think of you. I am so happy that you have overcame so many difficulties and have a chance to pursue your dream. Please not disappointed or upset if you are failed, it's more important for what you have experienced!! "

Thank you guys, for your encouragements and comforts as they are such a great placebo !!

But I just cannot give up !! No!! Never!!!

I want to defeat those unfair things and win my victory!!!!

    創作者 Sophie 的頭像

    Silver way

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