 set up your goal: R/W/L/S→7/7/6.5/6.5
well, not pretend to being a native speaker, instead, you are the one who is the native speaker!!
it's hypnotizing!!

films: the Howl's moving castle Eng. Version→ it's pretty good, not weird, next film is Spirited Away Eng. Version!!

  1. IELTS 7, TEST 3 - Listening 3 , Reading3
     films: beauty and the beast -Eng Version-

 * not only the speaking skills, maybe I should practice the skills of guessing the answers as well , I except that it might help me to get the score....
  1. IELTS 7, TEST 2 - Speaking 2 

   *Writing was killing me....I even had no ideas of this topic " the punishment of the criminals should be fixed?"
     May I just write "NO COMMENTS"?? I really want to do so....

  1. IELTS 7, TEST 2 - Listening 2 Reading 2
  1. IELTS 7, TEST 1 - Writing1


  1. IELTS 7, TEST 1 - Listening 1 
     Speaking - people: artist, a young child, your ideal husband/wife


* I hate those students who occupied the seats in the library did not to study but to sleep all the night!!!


1. IELTS 7, TEST 1 - Writing 1 , Speaking 1


* I found the reasons which caused the bad score on Speaking test....



1. IELTS 7, TEST 1 - Listening 1 , Reading 1
2. New words: Propetious 


* Listening tests kept destroying my confidence...#(┬_┬)泣!
* Library day , tomorrow...


 set up your goal: R/W/L/S→7/6/6/6


Following are some factors will interfere with your future:
1.did not reach the asking entry standard successfully.
2.did not apply the student loan or have the sponsor.




Listening- Assessment 3
BBC: can't find the news I saw today, however, it reported the football violent event occurred in Egypt which caused  74 people died.
Yahoo Finance: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/the-10-most-educated-countries-in-the-world.html?fb_action_ids=10150545965145665&fb_action_types=news.reads&fb_source=other_multiline&code=AQCvCbt3zv9Y1bJZzTOyyblAm2WVQdDS3gtXfY7cRr8GNiIkrnjmL7D5D6X4UOlQRtL4rfsaGubc5A0N_U08MVVT8zc7hrRfbj-wf0Pp2TlQqxAb0n-yB40j5FAAkLXtsMsZLfV2Mu8ZBqJK1cxsVIkS5rKSsJgkyxoMFYilzeMRI2QwrVCpq7Dk_FoBLar7Z09GS-aOlmJJuQ_UGhIJ3NOh#_=_

* I have a stomach ache now, due to the poor score of listening assessment 3 , OMG!!! I am going crazy now!!!
* I was late to my office today, because I slept deeply , therefore I did not hear the sound of the alarm....


Listening- Assessment 1, Assessment 2

Writing - Task1 Q8

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-16828134 

* It's the closed day of the library tomorrow.
* My boss has had a family trip to Japan until next week, keke
* I got a bad score in the Listening assessments. The questions were too complicated to figure out in a short time!!
  Revise them and write the correct answers again!

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    Silver way

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